Saturday, September 21, 2013

Tsukiji Fish Market

Genesis 1:20-21  "And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life. . . .
     And God created great whales and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought fort abundantly, after their kind. . . ."
A few weeks ago, we were in the world's largest train station.
Saturday we went to Tsukiji fish market, the world's largest fish market.

Here are some of our fellow missionaries and me in one of the aisles of the Tsukiji  fish market.  Notice the little truck driving beside us. Most of the aisles are much smaller, loaded with people, and the men on the trucks do not slow down.
 It was pretty crazy to say the least.

This man is probably cutting Tuna, that's what it looked like.

More views

The fish are delivered at 3 am and the auction goes
from 5-8 in the morning.  It is a closed auction where they
buy the fish for the Sushi bars, etc.  They allow the public
 to come in at 9 am and it is usually cleaned up by 11 am. 
We bought some delicious crab meat and some scallops.

There was every kind of fish and shell fish and anything
else you could imagine or not imagine from the ocean.

Anyone for some delicious Octopus?

A familiar face in the crowd.

Here we are in the subway station posing with a bag full of fish
in front of a beautiful mural ready to go home and eat fish.

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