Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas: Nativity, Symphony, Christmas trees

The Nativity in our Church office building
In front of the Christmas tree in the Church office building

With Brother Koyamagishi who works here in the building


A little Japanese Nativity in the office on Sister Watabe's desk

The back of this Nativity; notice the angel's wings.





We went to see the Senshu University Philharmonic Symphony on Saturday with our friends,
Elder and Sister Graham.  Here we are in front of Symphony Hall which is in Kawasaki
which is close to Yokahama. 

The symphony hall

The symphony hall had three tiers.
Notice the beautiful pipe organ inside, too.



I had never seen adjustable chairs which were for the musicians.

Tuning up for the performance

These were amazing musicians.  The selections were from Schubert, Dvorak, etc.
I was very impressed.  They have a tremendous work ethic here and one can
only imagine the hours and hours and hours that they practice. I wish I could
have taken a movie of the conductor as he was super-energetic waving his arms
and jumping and very entertaining but I think it is bad manners to take pictures
or take movies, as no one was doing that.

Leaving the symphony

The beautiful Christmas tree inside the big hall.

Close by in a huge shopping center, the music was quite a bit different.
This band's name was Please.

Looking down at the band and the shopping center and people


We decided to eat at a diner with American hamburgers, etc.
When we are really hungry sometime, we'll have to take the
three train rides to go eat at the American buffet!

We loved the tree and decorative candles that kept changing colors.

Here is the same tree in blue.
I love this; don't you!
Here is a beautiful life-sized nativity in front of our beautiful Tokyo Temple.
We are so grateful to live so close to the temple and are blessed to be able to attend each week.
Families can be forever and we are grateful for the temples where these sacred ordinances are performed.

MERRY CHRISTMAS from Tokyo everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I googled a japanese nativity set and saw the cool picture on your blog. do you know where i can get one? Thanks!
    - McKay
