Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Wearing white for the team's colors, (easy for senior missionaries!) while walking to the game.

We could have biked here?

Go Marines!

Our great leader and travel coordinator from the office, Hiroaki!

Anyone for a pizza delivery?

Get your snacks etc here.

Ready to join all the others in white.

Yes, there are lots of cheerleaders and lots of cheers at the baseball game

Liquid refreshment anyone?  Actually, it was beer night and the back packs the girls had were full of beer.  They had a nozzle hooked to the pack where they would fill the cups and sell it.  NO Thank you!

After the 4th inning, the game is stopped and then we watched fireworks.  After the fireworks, the game resumed.

I think it was the 8th inning when it was time for everyone to blow up their balloons and then shoot them on to the field.

Pretty cool looking balloons, wouldn't you say?

Okay, so the final score was 0-5.  The game was still fun.  Everyone is so polite, we only stand and do our cheers and jumping and arm waving, etc, when our team is up to bat.  When the other team is up to bat, then the people rooting for them stand and cheer and beat their drums, etc, while we sit quiet and respectful of them.  After the game, the players shake hands and the winning team apologizes to the losers for winning the game.  (Yes, that is true!)

You can only see a little bit of how crowded the bus was that took us back to the train station.  We were standing on the steps by the door and had to try to move out of the way when the door opened.  I never would have believed that they could get that many people on a bus.

Here's some of the group waiting for the train.

It's been a hard day and time to go to sleep.  Good Night Everyone!

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