Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Goodbye Tokyo - Hello Home

Yes, we've been home for a few days and didn't write before we left.  Actually, we got a bit sick and we got busy training our replacements, Elder and Sister Maetani, but we were lucky to get well enough and everything done enough to go home.  Fortunately, we're well and happy at home now but we miss Tokyo, our friends, fellow office workers, Church members, missionaries and all the great people, sights, and sounds of Japan.  It's been a great eighteen months and it went by in a flash.  We loved serving a mission and we're planning to go again on another mission to who-knows-where in a year or maybe two.  Everyone should go on a mission; it's a wonderful experience where you forget yourself and love to serve the Lord.  The blessings are great and the joy and happiness you feel is worth all the sacrifice and work.

Here's a few of the photos of some of our friends and co-workers as we left and some of our family as we came home:

And of course, we will dearly miss our wonderful Area Presidency and their wonderful amazing wives.

Unfortunately, we didn't get photos of everyone who bid us good-bye and many of our dear family who kindly welcomed us back, but we hope they all know how much we love them, and those we left how much we miss them, and for those who are here how glad we are to see you.

We love Japan and the dear people in Japan and WE HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!


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