Saturday, April 12, 2014

Tokyo Dogs!

These are mostly not our photos because I still haven't figured out how to say, "May I take your dog's photo?"  I'm not very good at taking the photos on the sly either.  What your are about to see is exactly what we see everyday when we go for our walks.  The other day, we were on the train and I thought I was standing by a baby stroller with a baby in it-WRONG!  When I looked closely it was a little dog.  This is normal to see as people go for walks with their dogs in the strollers all of the time; I just hadn't seen that on a train until then.      Here is a pretty normal dog, right?  
You haven't seen anything yet!

Great fashion,wouldn't you say?

Time for exercises or a nap- which one?

I promise we see this all of the time!

Cute huh?  But this isn't my favorite as my favorite was the lady with two little dogs who had on the tiniest diapers I have ever seen! I wish I had taken their pictures.

Beautiful kimono, wouldn't you say?  I wonder if the owner made the dog breathe out all her air so she could fit it properly?
This sweet dog we saw today was waiting for a new dress or something.

These are their babies.
This was an adorable dog we saw today!
 Here is a dog with his owner that we saw at the traffic light today, too
 Upon closer inspection you can see that the driver has his dogs on his lap with the big one hanging over his shoulder. Yes, he is the driver as the steering wheels are on the right side here and they drive on the wrong side!

One thing we really notice is that most of the dogs are very, very quiet.  They like to go up to other dogs on the street and they just smell each other and they don't bark.  One dog we saw the other day was yipping just a little bit so the do owner grabbed his mouth and held it shut until the dog was quiet.  I guess the dogs are well-trained and are very, very quiet just like the people here.

Time for lunch!

Yes, we have seen lots of dogs with sunglasses, too.

 What more can we say about these photos?  Do you see what we mean about the dogs here?  Dogs are very expensive, too.
Last but not least, and yes, these aren't dogs.  These are our pets (after a fashion).  Notice, no beautiful clothes?  That is because they are the feral cats of the neighborhood.  They are sitting on top of a van right by our apartment.  Their favorite thing to do is scream in the mornings around 4:30 am or so; they almost sound like babies crying, kind of.  We have learned that the best way to handle these adorable animals is to go out and squirt them with a hose.  We don't want to get rid of the cats as we understand that if the cats go then the rats come so we will enjoy our sweet pets! (Do you think I should sew them some dresses or something?)  (Ha!)                                                                                         Have a greet weekend everybody!

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