Saturday, March 29, 2014

Life Around Tokyo

"All things wise and wonderful
All creatures great and small
All things wise and and wonderful
The Lord God made them all"

Hello!  Here we are again on another great adventure for our Saturday day off / preparation day.  This time took the train to check out the Tokyo Sea Life Park and Kasai Rinkai Park located right by Tokyo Bay and within sight of Tokyo Disneyland. Now, Elder Chandler will tell you more:

Saturday, March 22 at Tokyo Sea Life Park.  It was the nicest day of the year so far but still a little chilly.

Dome over the aquarium

We were going to go swimming but changed our minds.

And I thought these only came in cans--tuna fish!

These are all called "blue" fish except the ones that are pink, yellow, green, etc.  I actually don't remember what they are all called but they are very colorful.

This fish has a hard time minding his business--you might say he is always sticking his nose in other people's (or fishes') business.

If you are afraid of other man (or fish) eating fish then you burrow a hole in the ground and hide out.

I call this fish the "cherry blossom" fish because it looks like it's covered in pink cherry blossoms.  Actually it was a very pretty fish--kind of fuzzy like.

These were my favorite fish.  There are four of them.  They are actually quite cute for being so ugly if you know what I mean.  They are called stonefish and that's just what they look like. They don't move either except to move their eyes once in awhile and I guess fish don't kiss do they?

Just more bright colorful fish.  If you've seen one you've seen them all.  I did notice the large one on the right center of the picture did seem to be smiling.  I guess fish can be happy too.

A type of sea horse that got a little confused about whether he was a plant or an animal.

Various things you could use to scrub pots and pans or maybe eat--I'm not sure.

Various kinds of pretty fish.  They kind of remind me of the ones we used to have in our home aquarium until they all ate each other.

There are so many amazing fish and other creatures which are so unique and different.

These are the extra large cans of tuna fish maybe like you buy at Costco.  They were actually very shiny and silvery in color.

The penguins were enjoying the warm sunshine.

 These are king penguins and larger than the others.  The furry one in the middle is actually a juvenile even though he appears to be as large as the adults.

This is actually called a cuddle fish but I think I would rather cuddle the penguin up above.

We ate at the Sea Wind restaurant.  There seemed to be a lot fish on the menu.  I wonder where old fish go?

View out of Tokyo Bay.  The small field appears to be rapeseed which is what canola oil comes from.

The tide was out so lots of people were digging for clams.

Many people were having picnics in the park.  Here you can go to the park and buy/rent all the things you want right there--food, grill, table, chairs, etc.  These people brought their own table.

We're a couple of weeks from cherry blossom time.  These are the first blossoms of the year on the plum trees.

Carol and Annette in front of an Acacia tree that is in bloom.
A view of a very small part of Tokyo from the park. 

Cute little train ride and a giant Ferris Wheel in the background. This Ferris Wheel is called the Diamond and Flowers Ferris Wheel and is the 10th largest in the world.
This is for all of you who fell asleep looking at my pictures!

This is Gary just before he went swimming in the fountain.  The local train station is in the background.  It's so easy to get around riding the trains everywhere.

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